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The Therapy Sessions
Thursday, April 27, 2006

That's it

I'm staying home in November:

Every American taxpayer would get a $100 rebate check to offset the pain of higher pump prices for gasoline, under an amendment Senate Republicans hope to bring to a vote Thursday.

Because the government is just made of money, and all the people who bought gas guzzling SUV's are so innnocent.

It's not their fault they just had to have a Ford Expedition in 2000!

Fuck Weldon, Fuck Santorum.

Divided government has to be better than this bullshit.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Funny as hell

Lyrics are definitiely NSWF: Ice Cube as a white chick.

Hat tip: El Borak's Myopia

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Gee, what wonderful news:

TEHRAN, Iran -Iran threatened Tuesday to begin hiding its nuclear program if the West takes any 'harsh measures' against it Tehran's sharpest rebuttal yet to a U.N. Security Council deadline to suspend uranium enrichment or face possible sanctions.

Iran's supreme leader, meanwhile, said in a meeting with the president of wartorn Sudan that Tehran was ready to transfer its nuclear technology to other countries.

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